Green Diamond, is the sister company of Egypt Land Company, which was established as a family business 20 years ago. Egypt Land Company initially focused on planting high-quality potatoes for large exporters and multinational manufacturing factories (Like American, Pepsico, Senorita). Over time, Egypt Land has become one of the prominent Egyptian farms specializing in potato cultivation. With a total land area of 5000 Acres divided into 8 farms, strategically located in the most suitable areas for potato cultivation, specifically in the Pest Free Area (PFA), Egypt Land is capable of producing approximately 100,000 tons of potatoes of different varieties. These potatoes are renowned for their exceptional quality and are highly sought after in global markets. With the aim of expanding their export capabilities, Green diamond is established as a sister company to Egypt Land with primary mission to handle the exportation of the high-quality potatoes produced by Egypt Land.